–> Selections from RHL books <–

Web del Sol :: 20 pieces from The Work of the Bow and The Effigies back in the 90s.  Bow‘s short narrative poems, mostly concerning family, fatherhood, love and loss, differ in form if not tone from the elegiac flash fiction sketches of New Orleans neighborhoods and characters in The Effigies.

Both books are findable via Amazon, ABEbooks, etc., and in libraries around the country via WorldCat. Much of The Work of the Bow can be read as a Googlebooks preview. (I’m still the best source for either of these books–signed, sealed, delivered, they’re your$.)

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The Power to Die (1987), took its title from the last stanza of Emily Dickinson’s #754 (“My Life had stood–a Loaded Gun”). The only poem from that book on the web is the final, 5-part elegy for McKendree Robbins Long: “Grandfather Long the Last Time”. Have a look at his best-known painting, “Apocalyptic Scene with Philosophers,” at the North Carolina Museum of Art. (more…)